Vaccine Damage Bill: ‘I don't think a lot of my colleagues are taking it seriously’

‘I don’t think a lot of my colleagues are taking it seriously’

Sir Christoper Chope OBE discusses his new Vaccine Damage Bill on Dewbs & Co.

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10 thoughts on “Vaccine Damage Bill: ‘I don't think a lot of my colleagues are taking it seriously’

  1. If the government cared, they would stop the vaccines immediately and retract the vaccine cards for proof of entrance to events.

  2. Thank you for covering this extremely important national health issue that the government doesn’t want you to know about!

  3. Those in power won't ever want to admit what those jabs do to many people. They don't want to be held responsible and they would be since it was mandated. But since they are in charge they make the rules. And it is easy for them to ignore all the sick people. As long as it doesn't happen to them! But a few doctors who are fighting this stuff thinks more bad reactions (like fast growing cancers) are coming next.

  4. The thing is, people were never given informed consent! They should have been! because they were all taking part in a clinical trial because the so-called vaccines were not adequately tested or approved by the proper regulatory bodies, this is because they were rushed through on an emergency bill.
    This alone, ought to have sent the majority of people running for the door, but no, there they were sleeves rolled up, ready to receive their dose of god knows what, and the possible horrible consequences that are manifesting in ever-increasing numbers.

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