Categorie: died after covid vaccin

Covid-19 Vaccine Injury Compensation Schemes: Comparative Perspectives

This event examined critically the provision made for the small numbers of those who have suffered adverse reactions after administration of one of the Covid-19 […]

Vaccine Damage Bill: ‘I don't think a lot of my colleagues are taking it seriously’

‘I don’t think a lot of my colleagues are taking it seriously’ Sir Christoper Chope OBE discusses his new Vaccine Damage Bill on Dewbs & […]

Bert Brandsma bij BLCKBX Today van 25 mei 2022, over bemoeienis VWS op OMT adviezen.

Bekijk de gehele uitzending op: Bert Brandsma voor de derde keer bij BLCKBX.TV, met Sanae Orchi, Prof. Dr. Bob de Wit. en Flavio Pasquino.